Be quiet, little girl

Sshhhhhhhh – you talk too much.
Watch it, you’re sounding aggressive.
Think before you speak. And don’t talk so damn loud.

Opinions come and opinions go and they escape my mouth,
My mouthy mouth.
Poetry comes and goes and it escapes my pen,
My busy pen.
Anger, fury, distemper, oaths curl like the remnants of tear gas.
They vaporize but sometimes they breach the levees of my good-girl defense.

Sshhhhhhhh – you talk too much.
Watch it, you’re sounding aggressive.
Think before you speak. And don’t talk so damn loud.

The world is sprinting, the news cycle refreshes before the stale news is read.
Opinions come and opinions go and the facts behind them shapeshift in seconds.
Words come out and they retract in fear of the momentum of change, of fake and real news colliding to create spaces with no news.

Sshhhhhhhh – you talk too much.
Watch it, you’re sounding aggressive.
Think before you speak. And don’t talk so damn loud.

Twitter, Facebook, Insta, actual chatting demand we show up and say something.
Friends and lovers and shiny new acquaintances ask what I think.
Thoughts gel, they melt again, the words materialize and then they fail.
The horror attempts to silence. The shock stuns every fiber. The unease slams shut the doors.

Sshhhhhhhh – you talk too much.
Watch it, you’re sounding aggressive.
Think before you speak. And don’t talk so damn loud.

Employers are cautious, friends are timid, blog posts must be professional.
Information is too present to ignore and too vast to understand.
Work must be done, relatives consulted, food prepared, then eaten, life lived,
Partners tended to, love shown and examples served up warm.

Sshhhhhhhh – you talk too much.
Watch it, you’re sounding aggressive.
Think before you speak. And don’t talk so damn loud.

You know what?
I am gonna speak as damn loud as I want to and express every view I have ever had.
Why don’t you sshhhhhhhhh?

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